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Journal Articles, Books, and Book Chapters
2023 - 2025

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Research articles and reviews published by Dr. Zimmer-Gembeck

2023 & 2024


Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Ryan, K. M., & Campbell, S. M. (2025). Parent-Child Interaction Therapy: A focus on meta-analyses to identify benefits and new approaches. To appear in A. Scudder, T. Hembree-Kigin, & C. M. McNeil (Eds.), Clinical Handbook of Advancements in Parent-Child Interaction Therapy. Springer.


Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2025). The Social Media Appearance Preoccupation Scale (SMAPS). To appear in V. L. Ramseyer Winter, T. Tylka, & A. M. Landor (Eds.). Handbook of Body Image Related Measures. Cambridge University Press.


Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2025). The Sexual Subjectivity Inventory for Females and Males (FSSI and MSSI). To appear in V. L. Ramseyer Winter, T. Tylka, & A. M. Landor (Eds.). Handbook of Body Image Related Measures. Cambridge University Press.


Campbell, S. M., Edwards, E.-J., Hambour, V., Horan, N., Hawes, T., Swan, K., Wotton, M., Melloy, B., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2025). The effects of Parent-Child Interaction Therapy on parent feeding practices and children’s problematic mealtime behaviors, Behavior Therapy.


Eira Nunes, C., Lamprianidou, E., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J.; Van Petegem, S. (2025). The relations between parents’ gender equality values and (co)parenting: Examining actor-partner effects in an Australian community sample. Journal of Family Issues , 46(1), 3-25.

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Ryan, K. M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Speechley, M., Stuart, J., Soenens, B., Zimmermann, G., & Van Petegem, S. (2024). Identifying correlates of demanding and responsive features in helicopter and overprotective parenting. Journal of Child & Family Studies, 33, 2826-2843.

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Steinvik, H. R., Duffy, A. L., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2024). Can empathy and compassion activation affect adolescents’ empathic responses, compassion, and behavioral intentions when witnessing bullying?. International Journal of Bullying Prevention

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Dellers, L. Y. E., Duffy, A. L., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2024). Manifestations and harms of intragroup marginalization within the male gay community: A qualitative study of gay and bisexual men. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity.

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Waters, A.M., Sluis, R.A., Usher, W., Farrell, L.J., Donovan, C.L., Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M.J., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J. (2024). Reaching young people in urban and rural communities with mental health and wellbeing support within a youth sports development program: Integrating in-person and remote modes of service delivery. Journal of Child Psychiatry & Human Development

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Steinvik, H., Duffy, A., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2024). Bystanders’ responses to witnessing cyberbullying: The role of empathic distress, empathic anger, and compassion. International Journal of Bullying Prevention.

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Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Scott, R. A., & Hawes, T. (2024). Appearance-related teasing, rejection sensitivity, acceptance, and coping as risks and resources associated with online appearance preoccupation over one year. Computers in Human Behavior, 158, Article 108319.

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Speechley, M., Stuart, J. A., Scott, R. A., Barber, B., L., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2024). Provision of gender affirming care among medical and allied health practitioners:  The influence of transnormative beliefs in working with gender diverse patients .  Social Science & Medicine, 348, 116876. 

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Kellij, S., Lodder, G. M. A., Giletta, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., GüroÄŸlu, B., & Veenstra, R. (2024). Are there negative cycles of peer victimization and rejection sensitivity? Testing ri-CLPMs in two longitudinal samples of young adolescents. Development and Psychopathology, 36(2), 844-856.

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Scott, R. A., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Gardner, A. A., Hawes, T., Modecki, K. L., Duffy, A. L., Farrell, L. J., & Waters, A. M. (2024). Daily use of digital technologies to feel better: Adolescents’ digital emotion regulation, emotions, loneliness, and recovery, considering prior emotional problems. Journal of Adolescence, 96 (3), 539-550.

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Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., & Skinner, E. A. (2024). Stress appraisals and coping across and within academic, parent, and peer stressors: The roles of adolescents’ emotional problems, coping flexibility, and age. Adolescents, 4(1), 120-137.

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Luskin-Saxby, S., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Sulek, R., & Paynter, J. (2024). Professional development and use of evidence-based practice in autism early intervention. Journal of Early Intervention, 46(1), 94-112.

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Rudolph, J. I., Van Berkel, S., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Walsh, K., Straker, D., & Campbell, T. (2024). Parental involvement in programs to prevent child sexual abuse: A systematic review of four decades of research. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 25(1), 560-576.

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Skinner, E. A., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (Eds). (2023). Cambridge handbook of the development of coping. Cambridge University Press.

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Skinner, E. A., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2023). A systems perspective on the development of coping: “We’re Going to Need a Bigger Boat”. In E. A. Skinner & M. J. Zimmer-Gembeck (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of the development of coping (Chapter 1). Cambridge University Press.


Modecki, K., Duvenage, M., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Robins, S, & Uink, B. (2023). Capturing coping: Innovative designs and considerations for studying the topography of adolescents’ coping. In E. A. Skinner & M. J. Zimmer-Gembeck (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of the development of coping (Chapter 7). Cambridge University Press.​


Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Kindermann, T. A., & Gardner, A. A. (2023). Peer stressors and peer relationship dynamics in the development of coping. In E. A. Skinner & M. J. Zimmer-Gembeck (Eds.), Cambridge handbook of the development of coping (Chapter 23). Cambridge University Press. ***In memory of Dr. Thomas Kindermann***


Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Stansfield, H., Kerin, J., & Donovan, C. (2023). Measurement of intuitive and mindful eating (Chapter 6, pp. 71-81). In A. Meule (Ed.) Assessment of eating behavior. Hogrefe.

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Gardner, A. A., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., & Skinner, E. A. (2023). Coping skills. In A. Epperson (Section Editor), B. Halpern-Felsher (Editor). The Encyclopedia of Child and Adolescent Health: Cognitive and Psychosocial Development (pp. 257-267).

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Raine, K. E., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., & Skinner, E. A. (2023). The role of coping in processes of resilience: The sample case of academic coping during late childhood and early adolescence. Development and Psychopathology, 35(5), 2103-2112.

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Campbell, S. M., Hawes, T., Swan, K., Thomas, R., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2023). Evidence-based treatment in practice: Parent-Child Interaction Therapy research on addressing individual differences and diversity through the lens of 20 years of service. Psychology Research and Behavior Management, 16, 2599—2617.

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Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Skinner, E. A., Scott, R. A., Ryan, K. M., Hawes, T., Gardner, A. A., & Duffy, A. L. (2023). Parental support and adolescents’ coping with academic stressors: A longitudinal study of parents’ influence beyond academic pressure and achievement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(12), 2464-2479.

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Hambour, V. K., Duffy, A. L., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2023). Social identification dimensions, sources of discrimination, and sexuality support as correlates of well-being among sexual minorities. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 53, 1045-1058.

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Shanley, D., Zimmer-Gembeck, M., Wheeler, A. J., Byrnes, J., Ware, R. S., Liu, W.,...Hawkins, E. (2023). Diagnostic accuracy and economic value of a tiered assessment for fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (DATAforFASD): Protocol. BMJ Open, 12, e071004

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Howe, S., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2023). Maternal socialization profiles, child gender, and later child regulation and internalizing symptoms. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 86, 101521.

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Mera, S., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., & Conlon, L. (2023). Emerging adults’ experience of mindful parenting: Distinct associations with their dispositional and interpersonal mindfulness, self-compassion, and adjustment. Emerging Adulthood, 11(5), 1180-1195.

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Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Modecki, K., Duffy, A. L., Hawes, T., Farrell, L. J., Waters, A. M., Gardner, A. A., Shum, D., & Skinner, E. A. (2023). A pattern-centered analysis of adolescents’ concerns and hopes about future crises: Differences in ways of coping and personal adjustment. Journal of Adolescence, 95, 1195-1204.

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Rudolph, J. I., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Straker, D., Hambour, V., Hawes, T., & Swan, K. (2023). Parental-led sexual abuse education amongst at-risk parents: Associations with parenting practices, and parent and child symptomology. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 32(5), 575-595.

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Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Hawes, T., Scott, R. A., Campbell, T., & Webb, H. J. (2023). Adolescents’ online appearance preoccupation: A 5-year longitudinal study of the influence of peers, parents, beliefs, and disordered eating. Computers in Human Behavior, 140, 187569.

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Waters, A.M., Sluis, R.A., Ryan, K.M., Usher, W., Farrell, L.J., Donovan, C.L., Modecki, K.L., Zimmer-Gembeck, M.J., Castle, M., & Hinchey, J. (2023). Evaluating the multi-technology delivery of a mental health and wellbeing system of care within a youth sports development program during the COVID-19 pandemic. Behaviour Change.

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Greenhalgh, K., Mahler, N., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., & Shanley, D. (2023). Childhood hearing loss: An uncertain context for parenting. Deafness and Education International, 25(2), 121-139.

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Masters, M. R., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Farrell, L. J., & Modecki, K. L. (2023) Coping and emotion regulation in response to social stress tasks among young adolescents with and without social anxiety. Applied Developmental Science, 27(1), 18-33.

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Romero Saletti, S. M., Van den Broucke, S., Billieux, J., Karila, L., Kuss, D. J., Rivera Espejo, J. M., Sheldon, P., Lang, C. P., Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J., Zollo, P., Courboin, C., Diez, D., Madison, T. P., Ramos-Diaz, J., Elias, C. E., & Otiniano, F. (2023). Development, psychometric validation, and cross-cultural comparison of the “Instagram Motives Questionnaire” (IMQ) and the “Instagram Uses and Patterns Questionnaire” (IUPQ). Journal of Behavioral Addictions, 12(1), 105-127.  

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Seekis, V., Farrell, L. J., & Zimmer-Gembeck, M. J. (2023). A classroom-based pilot of a self-compassion intervention to increase wellbeing in early adolescents. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing, 19(2), 267-270.

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Hawes, D., Dadds, M. R., Tully, L. A., Northam, J. C., & Growing Minds Australia Clinical Trials Network. (2023). Building a national clinical trials network in child and youth mental health: Growing Minds Australia. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry (ANZJP), 57(2), 164-168.

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