Dr. Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck and the Zlab
Family Interaction Program
Relationship Support for Caregivers and Children Age 1 to 13 Years
Directed by Professor Melanie Zimmer-Gembeck, the Family Interaction Program (FIP) - located at the Gold Coast Health Clinics Griffith University - assists caregivers who are distressed in their parenting role and want more positive interactions with their children aged 1 to 13 years. We specialise in assisting parents of children with behavioural problems, such as aggression, extreme angry outbursts, and school refusal. All of our services incorporate research to examine the acceptability and effectiveness of its programs for reducing family stress, improving caregiver-child relationships, and improving children's social and emotional development. We currently offer four free programs for children and families:
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy
Circle of Security
For more information click here to go to the Family Interaction Program website